If your question isn't answered here, please don't hesitate to get in touch!
Our delivery range covers a wide area of South London, so just get in touch with your postcode and we'll let you know if we serve you or not. As our business grows, our delivery area does too, so even if we don't serve your postcode now, we may in the future.
Twice a week! Depending on your postcode, we'll deliver to you every Monday and Thursday, or every Tuesday and Friday. While we don't have specific delivery times, our milkman works through the early hours of the morning so that your milk is on your doorstep by the time you wake up.
Anything related to your order - whether you're setting up an account with us or amending an existing one - can be dealt with by our team. To get in touch, you can leave us a message using the message feature in the bottom right corner of your screen, email us at milkdeliverysouth@hotmail.com, or call/text us on 07833534084. We'll try our best to get back to you as soon as possible!
Delivery is absolutely free! You just pay for the products that you receive. Our invoices go out every 4 weeks on a cycle and we accept payment via bank transfer, but our account details will be provided on each invoice. Each customer has a Unique Reference Number (URN) that should be used as a reference with each payment made to us, so that we can recognise you. If payment via bank transfer is not possible for you, we'd like to be accommodating, so just get in touch and we'll see what we can do.
Our invoices are on a 4-week cycle, going out at the beginning of the fourth week. If any changes are made to the fourth week after we've written them up and sent them out, this will be reflected on your next bill as a credit or outstanding balance. Alternatively, you are more than welcome to apply any changes to the invoice yourself, provided it adds up with the information that we have. If your invoice still doesn't seem right to you, just let us know and we'll do our best to get to the bottom of it.
We recycle them! If you rinse the bottles and leave them out for our milkman to collect, we'll take them back to be reused again and again.
We source our dairy products from Cotteswold Dairy - you can find out more about them on their website. They state on their website that they are NOT feeding Bovaer to their cows, so you can be assured that their delicious milk will continue to stay the same. While we completely support the conversation surrounding environmentally friendly methods in this industry, we also understand the concerns of consumers. If we are informed of any changes by Cotteswold Dairy, we will be sure to notify all of our customers and consider alternatives.
Each month, we promote special items that we would not usually have on our price list. These special items change each month, but it is likely that they may make an appearance during another month, so keep an eye out for your favourite products! If you're interested in these special items, just get in touch with us to add them to your usual deliveries. We would also be more than happy to add these items to your standing order if you would like to continue receiving them even after we move on to the next month's special items.
We continue our service all throughout most of the year, even through bank holidays, so you will still receive your delivery as usual. For our business customers, we will roll over your delivery to the next day, unless we're told otherwise. Over the Christmas period, we usually take a holiday for the week of Christmas and New Year, but we will send out notes explaining the exact dates with more details closer to the time.
While we try our best to avoid price rises so that we can provide affordable products, our prices are subject to change. As we are an independent business, when our suppliers raise their prices, unfortunately, we have to, as well. But don't worry, we don't do this often, and even if we have to, we try to keep the prices as low as possible.
We serve all types of businesses - including but not limited to: offices, depots, industrial estates, cafes, restaurants, pubs, salons, shops, galleries, etc. - the list goes on! While we have no minimum or maximum order, we would be willing to offer revised prices for businesses that require a larger amount, such as businesses in hospitality, etc.
Colliers Welsh Cheddar ~ £9.00/kg
(get in touch for more info on specific weights and prices)